What's in the Stars today, October 20?
A friendship, a partnership, art or social life can prepare the ground for your happiness in the future.
Moon in Virgo
Ordinary people have problems; smart people solve them! The Moon in the observant, analytical
Venus sextile Mars
It just takes two! With the comradely Venus in Libra in a positive aspect to expanding Mars in Sagittarius, you may be hit by Cupid's arrow or maybe a new chapter will begin in your love life. A friendship, a partnership, art or social life can prepare the ground for your happiness in the future.
Retrograde Mercury sextile Jupiter
At the gates of happiness! A while ago the world opened the gates of love, creativity, happiness and money, but you are just standing there staring without crossing them. You are hesitant and doubtful and not sure which way to go to make a positive entrance. Today you are able to review your attitude and prepare yourself to hold the treasure the universe has sent you.
You are greatly favoured today if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the second decan, or Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius and Leo, and you were born either at the end of the second decan or the beginning of the third.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a wonderful day as long as amidst all the responsibilities you make the time to relax both your mind and body.
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