What's in the Stars today, October 27?
The Venus – Neptune aspect culminates today and its mission is to sprinkle some glitter and magic to your life. Gifts, happy events and artistic, music or drama
Moon in Sagittarius
Hooray! The first working day of the week begins in a cheerful, optimistic and positive mood as the Moon is in the most cheerful and luckiest sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius. No, the financial crisis isn't over nor have all the problems of the world disappeared. It's just that the Moon in Sagittarius always focuses on the good things that can happen and therefore has the gift of attracting joy and enhancing it!
Venus trine Neptune
Don't fall in love with the person who says the most beautiful things but with the person who does them! The exciting and sexy Venus – Neptune aspect culminates today and its mission is to sprinkle some glitter and magic to your life. Gifts, happy events and artistic, music or drama performances are in the forefront. When it comes to romance, love can take you places but at the same time you can get deluded if you are blinded by the veneer of circumstances and don't look at what hides underneath.
Sun in applying trine to Neptune
Small or big miracles in your life! These days expect opportunities regarding business matters but also finances and romance. Contacts with people that inspire or give you strength are favoured, and the same applies to activities that enable your soul to overcome pain and smile.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo of the second decan or Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you live in a world of unbelievable beauty where small miracles happen constantly; surely you can have a great day!
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