What's in the Stars today, October 4?
Today your mind roams without restraint, news and revelations travel at the speed of light, and there is a frenzy of participation in group discussions...
Moon in Aquarius
Surprises, socialising and a hectic pace! With the Moon in Aquarius, an air
Mercury retrograde between 4/10 and 25/10
Contacts full of suspense yet fruitless! With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio an element of mystery in communication gives rise to conspiracy theories and phobias digging up stories and dark areas from the past, while from 10th October when the planet moves into Libra, indecisiveness will throw off relationships and partnerships. Between 4th and 10th October avoid signing contracts and making deals, and be cautious with what you say and write. There will be problems with computers, vehicles and means of transport. You will have to review financial agreements. Romantic re-unions are possible.
Sun square Pluto
No more hiding! You may try to bury things in a relationship but that doesn't mean that they go away. These days disappointments, losses or negative experiences may be the last straw. Whatever has been creating imbalance between you and someone else comes out into the open and demands a solution. A replacement or an end may be inevitable in some situations.
You are more influenced by this powerful aspect between the Sun and Pluto if you are Libra, Capricorn, Aries or Cancer born at the end of the first decan and the beginning of the second.
You are lucky today if you are an air sign – Aquarius, Gemini or Libra - of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will enjoy a wonderful Saturday if you use your brain to get rid of the gloom in your relationships and light up the shadows in your life.
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