What's in the Stars today, October 9?
Moon enters the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and forms its first aspect with Venus, which is great for pleasant interactions, buying in bulk, and choosing baggy outfits in cheerful colours.
Moon in Scorpio
Finances are the focal point! For the third day the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and you are inclined to investigate
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Responsible attitude! The Mercury – Saturn conjunction indicates that you want to make a final decision regarding romantic or financial matters while it is very possible that you prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself until it is the right time to disclose them. Responsibility is the key to interactions as well as any transportation about which you are a bit sceptical or concerned.
Moon in Sagittarius and its aspects
Just before half past three in the afternoon the Moon enters the optimistic sign of Sagittarius. The planet forms its first aspect with Venus, which is great for pleasant interactions, buying in bulk, and choosing baggy outfits in cheerful colours. The square with Neptune though at about half past eight in the evening shows that there could be misunderstandings, although it is a positive aspect for artistic and spiritual activities.
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the third decan are lucky today: you'll have the chance to solve an important issue with the assistance of an older or more experienced person.
Have a wonderful day and don't leave anything to chance but take things under control!
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