What's in the Stars today, September 13?

The positive aspect the Moon forms with the Sun in the afternoon indicates that if you are close to people you like, you won't miss love, affection and fun: there will be plenty of everything...

Moon in Taurus

Savour the sweetest wine

of life! This particular Saturday in September is full of flavours, music, art, love and all kinds of beautiful pleasant things to do. However, in the afternoon when the Moon meets Saturn in a hard aspect, avoid doing things just because you have to, and stay away from jealousy, anger and moodiness. The positive aspect the Moon forms with the Sun in the afternoon indicates that if you are close to people you like and have things in common, you won't miss love, affection and fun: there will be plenty of everything.

Mercury opposite Uranus

Don't say things you'll regret later! Movements and plans could change at any time today and tension, misunderstandings and conflict are possible in your social contacts and interactions since anything can cause irritation. Remember: don't do anything stupid just because you are upset at that moment.

Make sure your tongue doesn't outrun your brain especially if you are Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn of the second decan. Luck is on your side if you are Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo of the second and third decans.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, just like clay takes the form we give it, the day will be shaped by the desires and values you choose to throw into it.

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