What's in the Stars today, September 15?
In the afternoon the Moon enters Aquarius and you feel the need to set yourself free from commitments and responsibilities
Moon in Capricorn
Pressed for time! Sunday begins with the emphasis on time, either because there's not enough to do things or because of deadlines. You may have to make measurements or checks. Anything to do with the condition of your teeth, skin
Moon in Aquarius
No, not again! Just after three in the afternoon the Moon enters Aquarius and you feel the need to set yourself free from commitments and responsibilities, to give your time to social contacts and to try something unusual, to surprise someone and to escape drabness at all costs.
Mercury opposite Uranus
I see red! Under the influence of tomorrow's opposition between Mercury and Uranus, it will be easy for circumstances to 'get on your nerves'. Your mind will work at high speed and you'll lose your patience with things that move at a snail's pace. Communication is hampered, emergency journeys are required and contacts with people close to you may irritate you. So, avoid anything that can bring tension and boredom and focus on things that either excite you or relax you.
Aquarius, Libra, Gemini of the first decan are lucky today: you'll be able to do things that satisfy your intellect and at the same time have a good time with friends.
Have a wonderful Sunday with friends and people you share dreams and aspirations with.
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