What's in the Stars today, September 17?

The opposition between the emotional Moon in Cancer and powerful Pluto indicates a day full of passion, intensity and a barrage of emotions...

Moon in Cancer

Women take the lead! With the Moon in Cancer, the sign linked to mothers, women

and family, today your interest is drawn more to women, or to sensitive or sentimental people. Or, maybe to contacts or activities in places where traditionally women are employed. Historical issues and cases that go back to the past may take up your time while you should be cautious regarding your abdomen, stomach and chest.

Moon opposite Pluto

Emotional regression! The opposition between the emotional Moon in Cancer and powerful Pluto at 16:05 indicates a day full of passion, intensity and a barrage of emotions. In love, powerful and tender, secret and deeply sexual affairs take place while you shouldn't rule out attempts for renewal or resumption of a relationship. Emotion, jealousy, moodiness and lust.

You are lucky today if you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the first or second decan.

Irrespective of sign, today dear astrology.gr friend, it only takes a little bit of concern and interest in others to touch your heart and stay with you forever making this day special.

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