What's in the Stars today, September 17?

17th September 2015 Many happy returns of the day for Sofia, Pisti, Elpida and Agapi!

Moon in Scorpio

A massive surge of positive energy is released. Make good use of it!

Today, due to peripheral events, your soul resembles a train on a ride to the towers of mystery, the secret

tendencies, the untold passion and the sanctum of satisfaction. Use the eyes of your heart to delve into them and explore their interior. Denounce fear and insecurity. If you are scared, you only half live. Let your strength emerge and have faith in it. Fully experience every story your heart wants to live so that it learn, gain experience, pay its debts and open the secret gate of its destiny.

Mercury retrograde in Libra from 17/9 to 9/10

Close again! Together again! You've become one again! With whom or what ... it's your call!

Have you seen those toy cars that you've got to pull backwards so that they gain momentum and then lash forward? The same way, the stars feel that in order for things to move forward, you have to look to the past first. Take a step back to think before you make decisions, wrap up pending issues from the past and bring back to your daily life people, habits or ideas that make your life more beautiful. At the same time, this backward motion has certain side effects: problems with PCs, messages and emails, delays, postponements, waiting and misconceptions or misunderstandings. Be careful and avoid signing contracts or making deals!

Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune at 7º Pisces

These days life resembles a vending machine that takes your money while you're waiting for your tea or coffee. So, if you invest virtue, hope, dreams, effort or anything else in a relationship, a person or situation, you may receive disappointment instead of joy! No, you won't find justice, instead you'll be told that you shouldn't have been so gullible or romantic. What to do? Be more realistic in your actions. Don't trust promises and vagueness in a time when even reliable people will eventually turn to you and say "well, did you think I can perform miracles?" The delusive aspect of Jupiter and Neptune affects you more if you are Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius of the first decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 3º and 10º of the mutable cross.

You are lucky today if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the first and second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day where you can show passion, perseverance and a strong will to achieve your goals!

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