What's in the Stars today, September 17?
Imagination, intuition and psychic abilities are very acute today and you are able to express yourself through art
Moon in Aquarius
One step beyond! Today you wish to promote progressive ideas and bring change to fields or situations that need to adjust to modern conditions. Upgrading technology, the purchase of state-of-the-art products, the use of new generation
The air element of the sign is also ideal for social contacts, group activities, conversations with people who are ahead of their time and intellectual and investigative interests.
Moon in Pisces
For romantic and sensitive souls! Just before five in the afternoon, the Moon enters Pisces. Imagination, intuition and psychic abilities are very acute today and you are able to express yourself through art, to deal with anything that needs to be decoded and to create a romantic atmosphere.
Mercury sextile Mars
Ideas that can become reality! With the planet of thinking in a positive aspect with Mars which symbolises action this is a great day to put your thoughts into action. Also, projects and activities linked to the intellect or to young people can be successful.
Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini born within the first days of the second decan are mostly influenced.
Aquarius, Libra, Gemini born at the end of the third decan, and Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio of the beginning of the first decan are lucky today.
Have a great day and take advantage of the opportunities for rejuvenation, fun and love!
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