What's in the Stars today, September 3?
A person's value is wisdom, wisdom's value is serenity, serenity's value is bravery and bravery's value is gentleness.
Moon in Taurus
Every day is a miniature life, and if you're patient, you can achieve everything!
Today everything takes time and everything will happen in good time if you can wait. Be patient - not impatient, determined – not pig-headed, calm – not hasty,
Aspects of the Moon
The source of happiness is in devotion and not in lust; in love – not in pleasure.
Early in the morning, the Moon meets the Sun indicating that for something to succeed, you've got to be realistic, to invest in certain and reliable bets, and to defend whatever can bring results not under pressure but gradually and systematically. After that the Moon meets Pluto indicating that satisfaction won't be found in pleasure or lust but in total devotion and total surrender to anything and anyone. Next, the Moon meets Venus and every transaction that involves money should take place in a way that makes you feel that you show money the appreciation it's due – no more, no less. This is because today respect will be shown to those who don't serve money but are served by it. Finally, sadness or misfortune can yield to patience, however there are limits beyond which this submission stops being a virtue. Woe to those who will cross them. Avoid people or situations that can irritate you or about which you've been bottling up your feelings, as today we are all volcanoes awaiting to erupt. Make the best out of the explosive aspect of the Moon with Mars to turn on the fire of passion in your love life, and the journey to pleasure will begin.
Luck is particularly on your side today if you are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a very beautiful day. Remember that if you have patience, you can have whatever you like as you are able to make silk out of leaves, and honey out of rose petals.
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