What's in the Stars today, September 9?
The September Full Moon takes place at 04:38 in the morning in Pisces, a sign that is gullible and malleable but romantic, sensitive and artistic at the same time...
Full Moon in Pisces
Be aware of deception but savour the sweet gifts
Venus in applying opposition to Neptune
The intoxicating beauty of mistakes! Venus, which represents love and money, is in opposition with Neptune, which dictates the suffering and the feelings of the soul. So, expect a day that revolves around romantic or financial hopes and expectations, illusion and betrayal. You can't hide your tears of sadness, memory, or emotions while thanks to artistic exhibitions, concerts, poetry evenings and performances the sweet wine of euphoria and pleasure will flow.
Mercury in applying square to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter
Seek and you shall find! Fears and concerns related to relationships and partnerships turn to news and developments and you have to come up with beautiful, positive and conciliatory ideas in order to find solutions.
You are favoured today if you are Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio of the second or third decan while you should be cautious if you are Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini or Pisces of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day as long as you avoid over-indulgence and use your imagination and logic sensibly.
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