Cyprus Airways is looking for Assistant Officers
21:00 21/8/2011
- Πηγή: OnlyCY
ASSISTANT OFFICERSApplications are invited for a number of vacancies in various Departments for the post of Assistant Officer. The duties and responsibilities assigned to the post will vary depending on the department where the successful candidate will be placed.REMUNERATIONThe salary of the post will be on the scale A8 €17,981 x 869 – 27,540 plus Cost of Living Allowance as fixed from time to time by the Government
of Cyprus. A 13th salary and other benefits will be offered as well.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED1. University Degree or other equivalent qualification in an appropriate subject such as Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Law, Mathematics, Statistics, Operational Research, Engineering, Accounting, Finance and Economics.2. Have excellent command of Greek and English, be able to communicate effectively and prepare detailed and lucid reports in both languages.3. Strong numerical and analytical skills with strong attention to detail – ability to perform extensive calculations, conduct analysis and develop graphical comparisons.4. Excellent computer skills (Knowledge of spreadsheet and database applications).5. Strong personality, high integrity, administrative and organizing ability, discreetness, confidentiality, initiative and sound judgement.6. Post graduate degree will be considered as an advantage.7. Relevant experience will be considered as an advantage.NOTE:Male candidates must have completed or be legally exempted from their military obligations.APPLICATIONSApplications which will be treated in strict confidence should be addressed to the Head of Human Resources and Administration, Cyprus Airways Public Ltd, 121 Prodromos Street, 2064 Strovolos, Nicosia. Candidates may also send their applications by email at hra@cyprusair or by fax at 22 665834. In all cases relevant copies of all academic qualifications must be attached to the application form.Application forms can be collected from the Human Resources and Administration Services at the above address or any other Company/s office or downloaded from our website address at cyprusair.comApplications which are not accompanied by copies of relevant academic qualifications will not be considered.Applications should be submitted by the 5th of September 2011.
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