FX Central Clearing Ltd: Social Media Manager Vacancy in Limassol
16:09 25/6/2013
- Πηγή: OnlyCY
Job category:Internet/New MediaMailing details :Company name:FX Central Clearing LtdAddress:Spyrou Kyprianou 16, 3070Town:LimassolPhone:N/AMobile:N/AFax:N/AContact person:N/AE-mail address:hr@fxcc.comPosition details:Job title :Social Media ManagerJob description:• Conception design of Social Media Strategies and projects that are designed to combine both the demands
for engagement and retention as well as acquisition in diverse target audiences.
• Project Management of new Social Media Projects through all project phases.
• Constant communication with stake holders in Customer Relationship Management, Marketing and Public Relations teams.
• Project controlling, creation of documentation, presentations, memos and reports on all Social Media activities.
• Identification of Social Media trends and related opportunities for the company.
• Development of engagement plans including schedules, themes, content briefs.
• Analysis and Understanding of key regional market differences (language / culture / demographic) and deployment of localized Social Media strategies that are tailored to the respective audiences.Number of persons required:1Qualifications required:• Minimum one year of project management experience, preferably in a competitive market place.
• Knowledgeable about success criteria and mechanisms of Social Media campaigns.
• Enthusiastic and passionate about Social Media and expert level understanding of Customer Relationship Management.
• Dedicated and systematic approach paired with the passion, ability and will to drive projects forward.
• Self-motivated team player with strong communication skills and the ability to prioritize, organize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
• Fluent in English.Other requirements:All CV’s will be treated in the strictest of confidenceLocation(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
• Project Management of new Social Media Projects through all project phases.
• Constant communication with stake holders in Customer Relationship Management, Marketing and Public Relations teams.
• Project controlling, creation of documentation, presentations, memos and reports on all Social Media activities.
• Identification of Social Media trends and related opportunities for the company.
• Development of engagement plans including schedules, themes, content briefs.
• Analysis and Understanding of key regional market differences (language / culture / demographic) and deployment of localized Social Media strategies that are tailored to the respective audiences.Number of persons required:1Qualifications required:• Minimum one year of project management experience, preferably in a competitive market place.
• Knowledgeable about success criteria and mechanisms of Social Media campaigns.
• Enthusiastic and passionate about Social Media and expert level understanding of Customer Relationship Management.
• Dedicated and systematic approach paired with the passion, ability and will to drive projects forward.
• Self-motivated team player with strong communication skills and the ability to prioritize, organize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
• Fluent in English.Other requirements:All CV’s will be treated in the strictest of confidenceLocation(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
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