Job: Online Community Manager
Meridian Trust – Corporate & Fiduciary Services
On behalf of our clients, we are looking for an English speaking , highly motivated individual who will take the exciting role of an Online Community Manager in our client’s organisation (Larnaca).
The successful candidate will
- English speaking
- Net Savvy and addicted to social networking sites
- Ability to work cross functionally
- Likes working hard and thrives on the excitement of a goal oriented team
- Enjoys learning and is curious
- People orientated
- Outgoing and friendly personality
- Loves helping people and finds it rewarding to solve people’s problems
- Excellent communication skills
- Loves writing and enjoys sharing ideas with others
- Willingness to travel and attend in professional networking events when required
- Experience in marketing and sales will be an advantage
- Develops strategies to increase engagement and interaction
- Builds content designed to create passion and grow the community on and off the website
- Responsible for driving engagement and fan activity around a defined topic or topics
- Oversees all technical and system administration aspects of the community. This includes working with the community platform vendor to address, resolve and communicate any issues related to the features and functionality of the community
- Develops and implements community promotion and engagement strategies
- Communicates and promotes new community features or procedures to community members
- Attends and maintains community training resources
- Works with Social Media Specialists, Marketing and other divisions to coordinate the community
- Monitors discussions, resource postings and trends within the community. Identifies and reports trends in usage and advises on potential opportunities. Alerts management and appropriate staff as issues arise and work with staff to resolve issues
- Networks with community members and identify Community Champions. Trains and empowers Community Champions to participate on a more significant level
- Monitors and measures the success of community engagement and provides reports
- Identifies and reports on community trends
- Contributes to related communication vehicles and ensures the integration of community for promotion and awareness building
- Stays up to date on new social media tools and best practices
- Coordinates with other members of the organisation to ensure successful coordinated campaigns for communication and brand awareness
The successful candidate will be remunerated with an attractive remuneration package and an opportunity to train and join a new and exciting sector.
All cvs should reach us at by the 10th October 2013
All applications will remain strictly confidential.
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Ειδήσεις
- Νευρίασε η Ευγενία Μανωλίδου
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- A&P (Andreou & Paraskevaides): Διακόπτει την παραγωγή προϊόντων στην Κύπρο
- Ζητούνται Προϊστάμενη Γυναικολογικού Θαλάμου / Μαίες
- Job: Online Community Manager
- Απειλούν να σκοτώσουν τους ομήρους στο εμπορικό κέντρο του Ναϊρόμπι, οι Σομαλοί ένοπλοι
- Αθλητικές φόρμες σε άπορους μαθητές
- Ζητείται αισθητικός
- Οι τροποποιήσεις των κομμάτων επί του φόρου ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας στην Επ. Οικονομικών
- Μεγάλα παιχνίδια σε Τσίρειο και ΓΣΠ
- Ο ευρωπαϊκός Τύπος για τον θρίαμβο της Μέρκελ

- Τελευταία Νέα OnlyCY
- Job: Online Community Manager
- A&P (Andreou & Paraskevaides): Διακόπτει την παραγωγή προϊόντων στην Κύπρο
- Ζητούνται Προϊστάμενη Γυναικολογικού Θαλάμου / Μαίες
- Αθλητικές φόρμες σε άπορους μαθητές
- Απειλούν να σκοτώσουν τους ομήρους στο εμπορικό κέντρο του Ναϊρόμπι, οι Σομαλοί ένοπλοι
- Ζητείται αισθητικός
- Ο ευρωπαϊκός Τύπος για τον θρίαμβο της Μέρκελ
- Οι τροποποιήσεις των κομμάτων επί του φόρου ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας στην Επ. Οικονομικών
- Μεγάλα παιχνίδια σε Τσίρειο και ΓΣΠ
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