MAP S.Platis is seeking an Assistant Consultant (Full-time, Limassol)
MAP S.Platis is seeking to fill the vacancy of a Full-Time Assistant Consultant, in its specialised Financial Services Advisory Team, in its Limassol office, with dynamic, self-motivating and ambitious individuals.
Bachelor’s degree in Economics/Finance/Accounting/Risk Management of minimum high 2:1Career Development and Profile Building
MAP S.Platis is a leader in the field of non-academic, business Economic Research, Executive Training and Financial Services Consultancy. Through working with the MAP S.Platis team, the individual will be presented with unique and excellent profile-building and growth opportunities in a fast-growing and dynamic sector, alongside experienced researchers and consultants, with a very reputable clientele, both local and foreign.
Training and Personal Development
Extensive training shall be provided through attending our specialized MAP S.Platis Training courses, as well as having the chance to get hands-on and on-the-job training by our expert consultants, associate consultants and our experienced economists. At the same time, the individual will need to familiarize himself/herself swiftly and keep up with the existing regulation in the financial sector and up-to-date economic facts. The successful candidate will gradually be expected to undertake an actionable role in the company by being responsible for a number of client portfolios.
The positions offer great opportunities for career development, as well as competitive remuneration including: 13th Salary, Health Plan, Provident Fund, Bonus.
All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Visit MAP S. Platis website / Careers Section.
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- MAP S.Platis is seeking an Assistant Consultant (Full-time, Limassol)
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![MAP S Platis,Assistant Consultant Full-time Limassol](
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- MAP S.Platis is seeking an Assistant Consultant (Full-time, Limassol)
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