Positions in a Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading Company in Limassol
1. Head of Back Office for Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading Company
•Reporting to the company’s Compliance Officer for approval of the client account opening
•Recording of clients’ information into the company’s CRM and other operating systems
•Providing assistance to the company’s Risk Manager, AML Compliance Officer and other executives for preparing regulatory reports
•Safekeeping of clients’ funds in accordance to the legislationNumber of persons required:1Qualifications required:Qualifications/Skills
•University graduate with a degree in Accounting, Business Administration or other related field
•Excellent command of the English and Greek languages
•Computer literateOther requirements:Experience
•Experience in a similar role will be considered as an advantageCompetencies
•Ability to prioritize and perform under pressure
•Attention to detail and procedures
•Readiness to work extra hours if needed
•Strong interpersonal and communication skills
•Professionalism, integrity and trustworthiness
•Dependable and reliableAll applications are treated with strict confidentiality.Applicants should email their CVs to marinas@treppides.com.
For further information please contact:
Ms Marina Sevastidou
HR Assistant
Treppides Tower
9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia
CY-2112, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: 357-22-678944
Fax: 257-22-681887Location(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
2. Executive Director for Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading Company
ID19914Job category:OtherMailing details :Company name:K. Treppides & Co LtdAddress:Treppides Tower 9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia CY-2112, Nicosia, CyprusTown:NicosiaPhone:22678944Mobile:N/AFax:22681887Contact person:Ms Marina SevastidouE-mail address:marinas@treppides.comPosition details:Job title :Executive Director for Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading CompanyJob description:Duties/Responsibilities•General day to day management of the office staff
•Overall responsibility for proper implementation of the relevant Laws and regulations
•Assessment and review of the effectiveness of internal policies and procedures
•Implement Board decisions
•Monitoring the Company’s capital adequacy
•Monitoring the Risk Management function
•Establishment of internal procedures in relation to Money Laundering function
•Implement strategies to enable and improve the internal audit mechanism
•Approve the Company’s financial statements
•Submission of all regulatory reports to CySEC
•Perform all other tasks, duties and responsibilities as set out in the Company’s internal policiesNumber of persons required:1Qualifications required:Qualifications/Skills
•University Degree in (Accounting/Finance/Economics/Business Management)
•MBA will be considered as an advantage
•Fluency in both English & Greek (Verbal & Written)
•Computer literate
•Excellent organizational skillsOther requirements:Experience
•Minimum 3 years experience in the Forex/Binary Industry is requiredCompetencies
•Effective communication with stakeholders, third parties and staff
•Displays integrity and trust
•Demonstrates a healthy self-awareness and high level of self-worth and self-confidenceAll applications are treated with strict confidentiality.Applicants should email their CVs to marinas@treppides.com.
For further information please contact:
Ms Marina Sevastidou
HR Assistant
Treppides Tower
9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia
CY-2112, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: 357-22-678944
Fax: 257-22-681887Location(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
3. Head of Dealing Room for Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading Company
Company name:K. Treppides & Co LtdAddress:Treppides Tower 9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia CY-2112, Nicosia, CyprusTown:NicosiaPhone:22678944Mobile:N/AFax:22681887Contact person:Ms Marina SevastidouE-mail address:marinas@treppides.comPosition details:Job title :Head of Dealing Room for Licensed Forex/Binary Options Trading CompanyJob description:Duties/Responsibilities•Monitoring the operation of forex and binary options platforms with regards to reception, transmission and execution of client orders
•Offering support to clients on matters relating to the use of trading platforms
•Keeping up to date with financial markets information
•Assisting in the account opening KYC proceduresNumber of persons required:1Qualifications required:Qualifications/Skills
•Holder of certificate(s) of professional competency issued by the Ministry of Finance (reception and transmission of client orders)
•University graduates with Finance related degree
•Fluency in English and Greek languages (verbal and written)
•Knowledge of other languages will be considered an advantageOther requirements:Experience
•Experience in foreign exchange markets and generally in the online financial services industry (use of trading platforms)
•Ability to work under pressure and in shifts
•Attention to detail and procedures
•Readiness to work extra hours if needed
•Strong interpersonal and communication skills
•Professionalism, integrity and trustworthiness
•Dependable and reliable
All applications are treated with strict confidentiality.
Applicants should email their CVs to marinas@treppides.com .
For further information please contact:
Ms Marina Sevastidou
HR Assistant
Treppides Tower
9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia
CY-2112, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: 357-22-678944
Fax: 257-22-681887Location(s):LimassolEmployment conditions:Full Time
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