Θέση Εργασίας στην MTN
13:07 14/11/2013
- Πηγή: OnlyCY
NMC Engineer
The role:
The successful candidates (2) will work on a shift basis and will be responsible for the preventive maintenance procedures on a 24×7 basis in order to achieve high QoS and to minimize the service outages of the MTN Network. Further the role holder will provide
Daily network operation and maintenance tasks and ability to identify and troubleshoot problems and refer unusual system behavior to the NMC Manager in order to resolve important & urgency problems/issues. Reports the status and actions upon tasks to relevant departments/sections accordingly.Responsible to provide and to supervise that the daily reports upon the MTN performance related to any service outage, critical alarms, schedule updates or upgrades.Responsible for supervision of any new requirement, expansions or installations (hardware & software), rollout and maintenance tasks within MTN network to ensure that all internal and external procedures are followed within MTN Cyprus premises.Interacts with Core, Access, and IP to support and assist in tasks that falls under the NMC responsibilities.Provides support towards Customer Care and decides which within Operation Department support group is responsible for 2nd level support.Responsible to handle all trouble tickets (TTs) produce by the Customer Care and acts as first level of support, to troubleshoot, isolate and overcome problems accordingly and escalates any TTs to the appropriate department for second level of support when needed.Communicates with other carriers/operators in cases where the trouble ticket resolution lies outside home network and performed a follow up on the TTs with all the parties involved.Operate as 24/7 basis to cover all the requirements of the network to ensure the proper availability of NEs and network performance. Responds to emergencies and follows the NMC shift schedule and policy.Responsible to provide the appropriate access towards MTN engineers (Maintenance, Rollout or external) towards the Access sites of the MTN Network.Responsible for configuration, implementation and maintenance procedures for the mobile domain of the GSM/UMTS networks for the roaming partners’ data (IREG). Perform all the necessary IREG testing for acceptance and ability to deliver the IREG agreement within the settled timeframe.Provides technical support for all the MTN ADSL products to subscribers via telephone and/or through email. Troubleshoot problems related to any service or product regarding ADSL and provide the necessary solutions.Responsible for configuration, implementation of new and existing modems.Experience/Knowledge:
Engineer diploma and/or Engineering degree level (minimum 4-years based)Knowledge in the IP Switching, STP, VLAN, DSL Technologies, ADSL2+; SHDSL considered an advantageGeneral overview of the GSM/GPRS/UMTS standard and SS7 network protocols and principlesGeneral overview on radio network protocols (BSS/UTRAN protocols) and principlesGeneral overview of transmission solutions (as PDH, SDH etc)Excellent communication skills – Greek and EnglishApplications:
All interested candidates should send their CVs to career@mtn.com.cy stating the job title in the subject line. Applications close on 22 November 2013.
mtn, mtn, εργασια, shift, order, network, systems, system, status, performance, software, cyprus, access, support, group, ticket, lies, home, sites, mobile, domain, data, adsl, telephone, email, dsl, radio, greek, job, cyprus, email, radio, access, adsl, group, mobile, data, domain, dsl, network, greek, home, job, lies, order, support, shift, sites, systems, system, status, ticket, telephone, performance
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