Events for 51st anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising continue; special traffic measures in place
The three days of commemoration events in honour of the 51st anniversary of the student uprising at the Athens Metsovion Polytechnic (now Technical University of Athens) continued on Saturday.
The gates of the historic Polytechnic campus on Patission Street opened at 09:00 and will close at 20:00 "or earlier, if deemed appropriate, for the security
Special traffic regulations have been in effect in the centre of Athens since the three-day events began on Friday. They include the prohibition of stopping and parking and the gradual closure of roads to vehicle traffic, depending on prevailing traffic conditions, until 6:00 on Monday, November 18, on the roads listed below:
- Stournari, between Exarcheion Square and 3 September Street.
- 28th October (Patission), between Kodrigtonos and El. Venizelou (Panepistimiou) Streets and in both directions, as well as all intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Tositsa Pedestrian Street.
- Polytechniou Pedestrian Street.
- Bouboulinas, between Stournari Street and Alexandras Avenue.
- George, between Stournari and Kapodistriou Streets.
- Botasi, between Stournari and Kapodistriou streets.
- Kaningos, between Stournari and Chalkokondyli streets.
- Solomou, between G' Septemvriou street and Exarcheia Square.
- Kapodistriou, between Botasi and G' Septemvriou Streets.
- Exarcheia Square.
- Chalkokondyli, between G' Septemvriou Street and Kaniggos Square.
- Averof, between 28th October (Patission) and Marnis Streets.
- Veranzerou, between Kaniggos and Marnis Streets.
- Sp. Trikoupi, between Alexandras Avenue and Exarcheia Square.
- Solonos, between Ippokratous and Patousa Streets.
On Sunday, November 17, there will be the further prohibition of stopping and parking by all vehicles, from 6:00, and the gradual closure of the following roads to vehicle traffic by noon and until the end of the events:
- El. Venizelou (Panepistimiou), along its entire length and on intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Omonia Square.
- Aiolou, between El. Venizelou (Panepistimiou) and Stadiou Streets.
- Stadiou, along its entire length and on intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- V. Georgiou A', along its entire length.
- Vas. Sofias, along its entire length in both directions, as well as intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Akadimias, along its entire length in both directions, as well as on intersecting up to the first parallel street.
- Alexandras Avenue along its entire length and in both directions, as well as on intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Gelonos, between Dorylaiou and P. Kokkali streets.
- P. Kokkali, between Gelonos and Vas. Sofias Ave.
- Dorylaiou, between P. Kyriakou and Vas. Sofias Ave.
- Vas. Amalias Ave., along its entire length and on intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Filellinon, along its entire length and on intersecting roads up to the first parallel street.
- Syngrou Ave., between Ath. Diakou Ave. and Vas. Amalia Ave.
- P. Tsaldari (Pireos), between Iera Odos and Omonia Square.
- Athinas, along its entire length.
- Ermou, between Mavili Square and Tsocha Ave.
- Zakharof, between Alexandras Avenue and Vas. Sofias Avenue.
- Kifissia Avenue, between Katehaki Avenue and Alexandras Avenue, in the lanes bound for Athens.
- Mesogeion Avenue, between Katehaki Avenue and Feidippidou Road, in the lanes towards Athens.
- Feidippidou, between Mesogeion and Vas. Sofias Avenues.
- Michalakopoulou, between Feidippidou and Sp. Merkouri streets in both directions
- Vas. Konstantinou Avenue, throughout its length, in the lanes towards Kifissias Avenue.
- Ardittou, along its entire length, in the lanes towards Vas. Konstantinou Avenue.
- Vas. Alexandrou, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Ventiri, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Hatzigianni Mexi between Vas. Sofias and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Iridanou, between Vas. Sofias Avenue and Michalakopoulou Street
- Papadiamantopoulou, between Michalakopoulou Street and Vas. Sofias Avenue.
- Aiginitou, between Vas. Sofias Avenue and Papadiamantopoulou Street.
- Lourou, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Lampsakou, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Semitelo between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Kerasountos, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
- Kartali, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Evrou Street.
- Lycaonia, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Evrou Street.
- Ag. Pyrri, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Evrou Street.
- Xenia, between Vas. Sofias Ave. and Michalakopoulou Street.
Furthermore, modifications will be made to public transport routes and stops for buses and trolley buses.
The Attica Traffic Police Directorate is planning special measures to facilitate traffic flow in the wider area of central Athens, while appealing to drivers to avoid driving and parking their vehicles in areas near the events and the march to the U.S. embassy, for their own convenience and to prevent traffic problems.
Metro train schedules have also been modified, with Syntagma, Monastiraki, Evangelismos, Megaro Mousikis, Omonia and Panepistomiou metro stations closing from 14:00 on Sunday. At the orders of the police, all trains will pass through these stations without stopping and they will only reopen on further orders from the police.
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