Haris Doukas' Defeat: A Setback for Pasok's Syriza-Faction Integration

The recent defeat of Haris Doukas in the Pasok leadership race was more than just a personal loss; it marked a significant setback for those within Pasok who sought to align the party more closely with Syriza.

The overwhelming voter turnout in the second round – with 214,000 voters participating – suggests that many

Pasok supporters were deeply concerned about the potential for the party to be absorbed by Syriza.

The resounding victory of Nikos Androulakis, who has consistently expressed his opposition to any form of alliance with Syriza, is a clear indication of the party's desire to maintain its distinct identity.

The defeat of Doukas and several other pro-Syriza Pasok figures, including George Papandreou, Haris Kastanidis, Dimitris Reppas, Filippos Sachinidis, and Nikos Papandreou, further underscores this sentiment.

The so-called "progressive alliance" – a thinly veiled attempt by Syriza operatives to hijack Pasok – was designed to appeal to left-wing elements within Pasok and fringe groups like ANTARSYA.

However, this plan was met with strong resistance from both Pasok's leadership and its rank-and-file members.

While Doukas entered the race with high hopes, his candidacy was ultimately undermined by his association with the old guard of Pasok, his premature departure from Athens, and his lackluster debate performances.

His populist promises, which echoed Syriza's rhetoric, alienated many voters and further damaged his credibility.

Despite his defeat, Doukas is likely to remain a significant figure within Pasok, making Androulakis' task of unifying the party even more challenging.

The stakes are high for Pasok, and Androulakis' ability to navigate the internal divisions and revitalize the party will determine its future relevance in Greek politics.

By Sofia Gannaka

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Τυχαία Θέματα
Haris Doukas Defeat, A Setback,Pasoks Syriza-Faction Integration