Marinakis on psychiatric reform

"In every reform bill promoted by the government, the opposition will find something to say, not to improve some parameter, but to spread fake news. The latest example, the bill that was voted on principle by the

relevant committee of the parliament last Friday, for the completion of the psychiatric reform" emphasizes in his post the deputy minister to the prime minister and government representative Pavlos Marinakis.

He responds to the objections of the opposition by emphasizing that psychiatric hospitals are not abolished, the bill does not bring layoffs, it is fake news that addiction treatment agencies are being locked up.

He also pointed out that the bill strengthens the public provision of services to deal with addictions, strengthens prevention and supports organizational changes with technology as an ally. "Simply put, the bill includes the required organisational changes to improve mental health services, changes that should have been made years ago," says Mr. Marinakis. "Health, in all its forms, is an absolute priority this four-year period for the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. It is yet another government reform, aimed at improving services to the citizen.

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