Opinion: The return of bipartisanship in Greek politics
A year and a half since the last national elections, Greece’s political climate appears to be entering a new era that, in many ways, feels familiar.
The recent polls suggest that the country is shifting back toward a traditional two-party system, marking the resurgence of a classic political rivalry between New Democracy and Pasok.
For a country accustomed to dramatic swings in political affiliation over the past decade, this return to stability is noteworthy, and the disappearance of Syriza, once seen as a formidable political force, is a major part of this shift.
New Democracy, despite holding the lead, faces challenges as its popularity has gradually declined since the last election, now capturing only about 22-25% of voters in recent polls. This reduction in dominance has created room for a new dynamic: Pasok, which has been steadily gaining ground and now competes with New Democracy within a narrowing margin of single digits in recent surveys. Meanwhile, smaller right-wing parties like Greek Solution and Voice of Reason have emerged, providing further competition from within the conservative spectrum.
Reflecting on the last 15 years, Greece’s political landscape has been profoundly shaped by the economic crisis and the austerity measures that followed. These factors led to the end of the historical dominance of New Democracy and Pasok, which for decades had together commanded up to 80% of the vote.
As public disillusionment with these parties grew, Syriza and ANEL emerged, offering a fresh, albeit divisive, stance that divided the country into pro- and anti-austerity camps.
This division changed Greek politics dramatically.
On one side were the parties that aligned with rational, albeit painful, economic reforms—chiefly New Democracy and Pasok. On the other, Syriza and ANEL capitalized on anti-austerity sentiment, initially winning over voters with promises of a break from the hardships imposed by the bailout measures. However, as time passed, the promises of an anti-austerity revolution faded, leaving Syriza and its coalition in disarray.
Since then, the pendulum has swung back toward the center.
The initial “anti-Syriza” front solidified into a more broadly “pro-stability” faction, where New Democracy and Pasok each have dedicated followings within a collective base that favors realism and steady governance. This shift was evident in the 2019 elections, where New Democracy and Pasok together captured almost 50% of the vote, reflecting voters' renewed desire for stability after years of political turmoil.
This year, the trend toward bipartisanship gained momentum.
Alexis Tsipras, the historic leader of Syriza, resigned after his party’s poor performance in both national and European elections, signaling the end of an era for the political bloc he sought to establish. Pasok, under Nikos Androulakis, has distanced itself from Syriza and any potential alliance, while continuing to rebuild its independent identity and appeal to a broader base.
With New Democracy and Pasok commanding the political landscape once more, Greece’s government structure may increasingly resemble the more stable two-party frameworks of its past. Although the combined support for these two parties still falls short of the dominant bipartisanship of previous decades, it now forms a solid basis for governance, indicating that the cycle of fragmentation may be coming to a close.
This return to a more traditional political system could offer Greece the stability and continuity it needs to address the complex social and economic issues facing the country today. Yet whether this revival of bipartisanship will continue depends on the ability of both New Democracy and Pasok to deliver results that resonate with a public weary of political turbulence and eager for sustainable progress.
By Yiannis Kouvaras
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