Svigou: SYRIZA will advance with democracy, collectivity and camaraderie

Secretary of SYRIZA’s Central Committee Rania Svigou, emphasized on Monday that the party will move forward with a spirit of democracy, collectivity and camaraderie.

In an interview with the radio station "Sto Kokkino 105.5", Svigou highlighted that "all our

efforts and thoughts must focus on how SYRIZA can overcome its current difficulties and strengthen itself to defend the interests of the broader social majority".

She acknowledged that "we have repeatedly disappointed the left and progressive citizens who support us and are concerned about SYRIZA’s future and the unity of the progressive camp".

Svigou noted that despite the challenges SYRIZA has faced, including the departure of Alexis Tsipras, the party has "recovered and completely disproved plans and scenarios of its dissolution and disintegration.” She added, “We will do the same now".

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