Παγκόσμια συγκίνηση για τον Μαντέλα – Πως τον αποχαιρέτησαν στο twitter διάσημοι από όλο τον κόσμο

Παγκόσμια συγκίνηση προκάλεσε σε όλο τον κόσμο η είδηση του θανάτου του Νέλσονα Μαντέλα. Η Νότιος Αφρική θρηνεί για τον ηγέτη της αλλά και εκατοντάδες διάσημοι που γνώρισαν κάποια στιγμή από κοντά τον «Μαντίμπα» αποχαιρέτησαν με μηνύματά τους στο twitter τον σπουδαίο αυτό άνθρωπο.

Ανάμεσά τους η Σαρλίζ Θερόν, ο Μπόνο των U2, η Γιόκο Όνο και πολλοί άλλοι.

Διαβάστε τι έγραψαν:

Charlize Theron ✔ @CharlizeAfrica Follow

There will never

be words to say what I'm feeling right now. I am saddened to the depths of my soul. Truly.

Fergie ✔ @Fergie Follow

Meeting Nelson Mandela at his house in Johannesburg was a truly memorable moment in life for me. He was an angel.

Samuel L. Jackson ✔ @SamuelLJackson Follow

Never met a better person in my life than Nelson Mandela. My sympathy to his family & his country.

U2 ✔ @U2 Follow

RT @ONECampaign Bono Honors The Man Who Could Not Cry http://ti.me/IGwMBa via @TIMEWorld #NelsonMandela

Queen Latifah ✔ @IAMQUEENLATIFAH Follow

God Bless You Mr. Nelson Mandela! Your Strength, Humanity, Intelligence, Honesty and #TrueGrit are unmatched in my lifetime! RIP&Love

Steve Martin ✔ @SteveMartinToGo Follow

You have to love the Mandela life.

Richard Branson ✔ @richardbranson Follow

Today we lost not only a great man; we also lost one of the world’s greatest leaders http://virg.in/nma #Mandela

Rihanna ✔ @rihanna Follow

One of the greatest men who's ever lived!!! #Legend We will never forget the things this man has…

Kelly Osbourne ✔ @KellyOsbourne Follow

Today is officially one of the saddest days! The world has lost the most inspirational person to ever walk the earth rip

Ryan Seacrest ✔ @RyanSeacrest Follow

"We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right." - the great Nelson Mandela

Anderson Cooper ✔ @andersoncooper Follow

Mandela is gone. There is no one else like him.

Arnold ✔ @Schwarzenegger Follow

President Mandela’s life is the closest thing we have to proof of God.

Fana Mokoena @fanamokoena


This is Nelson Mandela

Pabi Moloi @PabiMoloi Follow

Rest In Peace Madiba. Never shall we forget

Yoko Ono ✔ @yokoono Follow

Thankyou Nelson Mandela for your highest standard of commitment to Peace in our World. We are so lucky to have been on this planet with you.

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