Chocolate salami with vasilopita leftovers

The vasilopita has fulfilled its purpose. It gathered everyone around the table (after all this much food, not even a drill seargeant could accomplish that feat faster and more efficiently), it reminded us that we share with "Christ" and with the poor, it brought to mind how to easily divide one circle into 9 parts (that is how many we are), it has created expectations and hopes, it entertained our disappointment that we didn't get the coin this year either, with all its great taste.


else can it do? And now, it starts drying out, covered in cling film, being attacked each dawn during cravings hour, with its almonds plundered and full of holes from the first evening poked when looking for the lucky coin.

So, before it completely dries out, give it another task. To change into a sweet that has friends only and is loved and wanted by all. A chocolate salami, a mosaic the tiles of which will be from pieces of vasilopita.

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