Krana liqueur

Krana (Cornelian cherries) are forest berries. You can find them mainly in mountainous areas and they make an amazing liquer.

Krana have a high percentage of antioxidants. They were known for their medicinal qualities from ancient times. They are still used nowadays as a treatment for diarrhea and intestinal afflictions due to their tannins. The bark, stems and roots are used to treat fever. On the mountainous areas krana are being used for heart diseases, belly aches, menstrual cramps, stomach and intestinal ailments as a digestif and a stimulant during work.

Krana wood is very hard and hard to break. They bloom in winter and the berries are ripe at the end of August, beginning of September when they get their shiny red colour.

The recipe is for Anastasia who asked for it! :-)

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