Communication and Research Assistant at Cooperatives Europe
Cooperatives Europe
Job Description
Cooperatives Europe is the voice of cooperative businesses in Europe. On behalf of our 90 member organisations from 34 European countries across all business
Cooperatives Europe defends the interests of its members and increases the knowledge about the co-operative enterprise model through advocacy, development and communication.
Cooperatives Europe via its multidisciplinary team strengthens the exchange and the collaboration between cooperatives. More information is available at
We offer a six-month working experience within communications at Cooperatives Europe
The communications officer manages Cooperatives Europe communications plan. In coordination with the other team members of Cooperatives Europe, he makes sure that internal and external communications are precise and effective.
Main tasks that you will be assigned as Communication and research assistant:
• You will help managing the existing communication tools, and in particular the website and the newsletter.
• You will work on a 4-month cooperative research project and produce a 30-page report, which will be then published.
• You will contribute outlining the future communications strategy of Cooperatives Europe.
• You will liaise with the other staff members to produce contents that are then distributed through existing communication tools.
The skills and experience that we are looking for:
• A first university degree of at least three years in a relevant field; an advanced university degree focusing on communications and international relations is an asset;
• Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, especially in a written form;
• Excellent command of English, both spoken and written. Additional language skills are an asset, in particular French.
• Experience in conducting primary and secondary research with good report writing skills
• Knowledge of the functioning of the EU.
• Acquaintance of social media and creation/management of websites is an asset.
• Ability to work in a small, multi-cultural team
• Perfect command of Microsoft Office package; ability to use graphic design related software is an asset
Interested to apply?
If you are interested in this position, please submit the application form as well as your CV Considering the large amount of applications that we receive, only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
You can download the application form from here:
Closing date for applications: 20th January 2013
Starting date of interviews: 24th January 2013
Expected starting date: 15th February 2013
Minimum remuneration to cover living expenses: Euro 600 net/month
Η προσπαθεί να δημοσιεύει τις πιο έγκυρες αγγελίες εύρεσης εργασίας. Στα πλαίσια αυτά όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για εργασία μπορούν να επισκέπτονται την κεντρική μας σελίδα για την "εύρεση εργασίας". Επίσης όσοι είναι ...κολλημένοι με το facebook μπορούν να επισκέπτονται και τη σελίδα μας "βρίσκω δουλειά". Η ενημέρωση είναι συνεχής και άμεση και στις δύο σελίδες.
Θέλετε να ενημερώνεστε για όλες τις αγγελίες μέσω twitter; Κάντε μας follow στο λογαριασμό μας στο Twitter ΕΔΩ
Επιλέξτε την για να βρείτε δουλειά.
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