Google: Θέσεις πρακτικής άσκησης στην Αθήνα
Business Intern 2018
Marketing & Communications;Sales & Account Management;Sales Operations;Technical Solutions
Athens, Greece
Applications will close Sunday, 12 November 2017, 11:59pm GMT. Our team will review applications on a rolling basis. All hiring will be complete by the end of May 2018.
Note: By applying to this position your application is
About the program:
Interns at Google bring questions and build answers. We offer a range of internships across EMEA and durations and start dates vary according to a project and location. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and our recruitment team will determine where you fit best based on your resume.
Business Internships are typically offered in the following business areas:
GMS Sales and Operations: When our millions of advertisers and publishers are happy, so are we! Our Google Marketing Solutions (GMS) team of entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and client-focused members are the «human face» of Google, helping entrepreneurs both individually and broadly build their online presence and grow their businesses. We are dedicated to growing the unique needs of advertising companies. Our teams of strategists, analysts, advisers and support specialists collaborate closely to spot and analyze customer needs and trends. Together, we create and implement business plans broadly for every type of businesses.
Large Customer Sales: Our Large Customer Sales teams partner closely with many of the world’s biggest advertisers and agencies to develop digital solutions that build strong businesses and brands. We enjoy a bird’s eye view on the massive transformation occurring as advertising shifts to mobile and online platforms. We’re uniquely situated to help shape how companies grow their businesses in the digital age. We advise clients on Google’s broad range of products across search, video and mobile to help them connect instantly and seamlessly with their audiences.
Google Cloud: Google Cloud helps millions of employees and organizations empower their employees, serve their customers, and build what’s next for their business — all with technology built in the cloud. Our products are engineered for security, reliability and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications to devices and hardware. And our teams are dedicated to helping our customers — developers, small and large businesses, educational institutions and government agencies — see the benefits of our technology come to life.
Marketing: Know the user. Know the magic. Connect the two. At its core, marketing at Google starts with technology and ends with the user, bringing both together in unconventional ways. Our job is to demonstrate how Google’s products solve the world’s problems–from the everyday to the epic, from the mundane to the monumental. And we approach marketing in a way that only Google can–changing the game, redefining the medium, making the user the priority, and ultimately, letting the technology speak for itself.
The idea for Gmail began with 1 Googler. Today it has more than 425 million users and counting.
At Google, one Googler can make a huge impact, and it’s no different with our interns–they are key players in our daily innovation. As an intern, you’ll have the opportunity to work on projects core to Google’s business, whether it be Sales, Google Cloud or Marketing. Our intern recruitment team will determine where you fit best based on your CV and the preferences you indicate on the application form.
Our internships expose you to the technology industry, as well as provide opportunities for personal and professional development. From being challenged, to collaborating with a team, join our team to make an impact.
Note: duration and start date of internship vary depending on the position.
Responsibilities and detailed projects will be determined based on your educational background, interest and skills.QualificationsMinimum qualifications:Currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program and maintaining student status throughout the internship. Priority is given to students graduating end of 2018 or in 2019 so please include your graduation date on your resume.Returning to education on a full-time basis upon completing the internship.Ability to commit to a minimum of 10 weeks and up to 6 months at Google.Preferred qualifications:
Previous internship experience in Sales, Advertising, Consulting, Analysis, Customer Service, Marketing or related fields.
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