IQ MicroTEC international internship : Πρόγραμμα πρακτικής άσκησης για φοιτητές


Apply now for a six months internship in Germany starting September 2013. We offer you not only an internship, but also a two week German language Course and a cultural program. We are looking for highly motivated students from the following fields of study.

Engineering (e.g. Microelectronics, Control Engineering , Mechanical Engineering)Science (e.g. Mathematics, Physics)Technology (e.g. Telecommunication and Networks, Informatics)

What we expect

Highly motivated
studentsOver average marksStudents who have completed 4 or more semesters of their studiesStudents who will be enrolled at their university until the end of the internship ( at least 02/2014 )

Additional useful skills you could bring along

Good command of EnglishProject managementMatlab / AnsysMicromechanical sensors and actuatorsProgramming languagesBasic knowledge of German language

What we offer

About five months internship in a company in southwest Germany, which is paidA two week intensive German language courseA cultural programA chance to boost your CV, by gaining international work experience

If you are interested in working with a German company on a real world problem and experience a new country, you should not hesitate to apply now.

You can start the online application process right now following this link and complete the application until theend of Febuary. Details on how to do this can be found here.

Follow this link if you want to get more information about our international internship program.

Feel free to contact us at in case you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Tobias Manger
IQ-Microtec Assistant

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