Open research positions at Biomedcode Hellas SA

p1 {font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;margin-left:8px;margin-right:8px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:4px;text-align:justify;}Positions for one (1) postdoctoral scientist and one (1) research technician are available at Biomedcode Hellas S.A. in the context of project BiomARk, which is co-financed by the European Union and Greece Operational Program \'Human Resources Development\' - NSFR 2007-2013 - European Social Fund, which aims to identify novel biomarkers for arthritis through pharmacogenomics analysis using a humanised mouse model. Positions are for 36 months.

Deadline Application: 29-06-2012

Further details: Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης του Δ.Π.Θ
Τυχαία Θέματα