ΜΑ in Leadership recognized by DOATAP

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Starting Summer 2013 in Athens

MA Course Leader: Professor Peter Earley

The Masters Degree – recognized by DOATAP – has been devised and agreed by the Institute of Education,

University of London and the Hellenic-American Educational Foundation initially for the benefit of teachers working in Athens College and Psychico College.  This invitation has now been extended to other educators working elsewhere.

Aims of the MA course

to improve your understanding of leadership and learning in educational institutions and to enable you to reflect critically on theory, research and values underpinning leadership to enable you to apply key theories and research findings to your own working environment and to be able to explore ways to improve educational systems and particularly the quality of teaching and learning

Program of Study

180 credits acquired through the completion of

one core 30 credit module:  “Leading and Managing Change & Improvement” three 30 credit modules from a range of options either a 60 credit Dissertation (20,000 words) or one further 30 credit module plus a 30 credit Report (10,000 words)

Teaching is by mixed mode with some modules taught face-to-face in Athens and at the Institute of Education (London) during a two-week Summer School, with the remaining modules by distance learning through the University of London.

Entry Requirements

an undergraduate university degree equivalent to a UK honours degree or above evidence of English language competency some experience in leadership and management

For further information on teaching timetable, tuition costs and application procedures please visit our site http://www.haef.gr/gr/common/ma_in_leadership.pdf

or contact Mrs. Stratis

estratis@haef.gr  & +30 210-67.98.105

MA Leadership, Hellenic American Educational Foundation

15 Stefanou Delta, Psychico 154 52

P.O. Box 65005, 15410, Psychico • Athens           


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