Θέσεις εργασίας σε Τεχνολογικές ειδικότητες και Ιατρική στη Γερμανία μέσω της εταιρείας Jessica Kluge
11:11 24/10/2012
- Πηγή: Alfa Vita
Tweet Κατηγορία: Εργασία
Software developer (m/f)NC controls—functional safety Information Scientist or Commercial Information Scientist (m/f)IT Application Manager – Warehouse Management and QA System Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist or Physicist (m/f) Software Developer for NC Controls / Graphical User Interfaces Engineers, Information Scientists, Physicists(m/f)Software Development for System Identification + Control Technology
Applications Engineer in CNC Technology Sectors: Medical Technology, Aerospace or Automobile Industry Mechanical Engineer (m/f) Development and Mechanical Design – Electric Motors Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist or Physicist (m/f) Software Developer for NC Controls / Graphical User Interfaces Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)Application engineer for CNC technology – as a branch specialist for the automotive industry Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f) Application engineer for CNC technology–as a branch specialist for medical technology Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)Application engineer for CNC technology – as a branch specialist for the aviation industry Electrical Engineer (m/f) Development of Inverters and Switching Power Supplies Engineers, Information Scientists, Physicists(m/f) Software Development for System Identification + Control Technology Mechanical Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)CAD/CAM Product Manager Electrical Engineer (m/f)For FPGA programming
Στα αρχεία που επισυνάπτονται μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε τεχνολογικές ειδικότητες και θέσεις Ιατρών για απόκτηση ειδικότητας, στον Ιδιωτικό Τομέα στη Γερμανία μέσω της εταιρείας Jessica Kluge (www.kluge-recruitment.com). Πιο συγκεκριμένα οι θέσεις εργασίας αφορούν σε:
1. Θέσεις εργασίας σε Τεχνολογικές ειδικότητες:
- Computer scientists
- Engineers
Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology (m/f) Project planning/mechanical design of complex special facilities Mechanical Engineer or Technician (m/f) Product Manager, CNC Controls for Machine Tools Engineer in Mechatronics or Comparable Field (m/f)/Simulation engineer for precision machines/Modeling of servo-controlled systems and design Physicist/Mechanical Engineer(m/f)For high-accuracy dimensional metrology Mechanical Engineer/Production Engineer or Comparable College Degree (m/f)Applications Engineer in CNC Technology Sectors: Medical Technology, Aerospace or Automobile Industry Mechanical Engineer (m/f) Development and Mechanical Design – Electric Motors Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist or Physicist (m/f) Software Developer for NC Controls / Graphical User Interfaces Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)Application engineer for CNC technology – as a branch specialist for the automotive industry Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f) Application engineer for CNC technology–as a branch specialist for medical technology Mechanical Engineer, Production Technology Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)Application engineer for CNC technology – as a branch specialist for the aviation industry Electrical Engineer (m/f) Development of Inverters and Switching Power Supplies Engineers, Information Scientists, Physicists(m/f) Software Development for System Identification + Control Technology Mechanical Engineer or comparable university degree (m/f)CAD/CAM Product Manager Electrical Engineer (m/f)For FPGA programming
- IT Specialists
Commercial) Information Scientist (m/f) IT Application Manager / Project Manager – Data Warehouse / BI- Physicists
Physicist (m/f) Development of facilities for microlithography Physicist (m/f) For optics development Physicist (m/f) Development of microlithographic processes Physicist / Materials Scientist (m/f) For microlithography Physicist/Mechanical Engineer(m/f)For high-accuracy dimensional metroKeywords
γερμανια, ιατρικη, θεσεις εργασιας, θεσεις, tweet, software, system, user, project, design, tools, systems, branch, power, data, metro, metro, ενημερωθειτε, μπορειτε, συγκεκριμενα, branch, data, design, project, user, tweet, power, software, systems, system, tools
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