Amphipolis team working hard to protect monument against weather, culture ministry reports
21:43 2/9/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The members of the archaeological team on Kasta Hill in Ancient Amphipolis - under the guidance of chief archaeologist Katerina Peristeri - are working hard to protect the monument against possible damage from bad weather, a culture ministry announcement said on Tuesday.
was proceeding apace to protect and support the tomb and surrounding space, the ministry said.
The ministry said this included work to create a counter-weight using the loose earth in the first chamber for the stability of the second diaphragmatic wall, concluding work to temporarily prop up and support the architrave of the second diaphragmatic wall that appeared to have unstable support, propping up the wall with the sphinxes, setting up scaffolding and temporary drainage ditches in the external perimeter to channel rainwater away from the monument, as well as waterproofing the area behind the protective shelter.
Once the work to support and secure the site were completed, excavation work within the monument will begin, the ministry said.
The ministry said this included work to create a counter-weight using the loose earth in the first chamber for the stability of the second diaphragmatic wall, concluding work to temporarily prop up and support the architrave of the second diaphragmatic wall that appeared to have unstable support, propping up the wall with the sphinxes, setting up scaffolding and temporary drainage ditches in the external perimeter to channel rainwater away from the monument, as well as waterproofing the area behind the protective shelter.
Once the work to support and secure the site were completed, excavation work within the monument will begin, the ministry said.
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