Cells of Fire member released on conditions
19:21 21/1/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
Costas Sakkas, accused of being a member of the terrorist organization "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire", was released on conditions and a 50,000-euro bail on Tuesday after his testimony to the special investigator.
The young man had been arrested a few days ago after his fingerprints were matched with those in seized objects found in the apartment used by the "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" terror group
in the Athens suburb of Halandri.
Sakkas denied once again the accusations and insisted that he had no involvement in the organization. He also noted that has appealed to the Court of Human Rights and the case is pending.
Sakkas was recently found innocent on the charges of breaching release restrictions when he stayed overnight at a girlfriend's house. He had been kept in custody for 31 months and was released last summer after a 38-day hunger strike.
In order for him to be released, he had posted a 30,000-euro bail and had been banned from leaving the country, coming into contact with fellow Cells members and moving outside the Attica prefecture. He also had to report on a regular basis to a police station and dwell at a declared residence.
The young man had been arrested a few days ago after his fingerprints were matched with those in seized objects found in the apartment used by the "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" terror group
Sakkas denied once again the accusations and insisted that he had no involvement in the organization. He also noted that has appealed to the Court of Human Rights and the case is pending.
Sakkas was recently found innocent on the charges of breaching release restrictions when he stayed overnight at a girlfriend's house. He had been kept in custody for 31 months and was released last summer after a 38-day hunger strike.
In order for him to be released, he had posted a 30,000-euro bail and had been banned from leaving the country, coming into contact with fellow Cells members and moving outside the Attica prefecture. He also had to report on a regular basis to a police station and dwell at a declared residence.
fire, member, fire, member, tuesday, group, athens, house, summer, hunger, order, attica, residence, attica, athens, group, summer, euro, house, hunger, order, residence, tuesday
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