Counter-terrorism squad questioning four Turks over weapons found in their apartments
22:05 10/2/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
Greece's counter-terrorism service on Monday announced that four Turkish nationals of Kurdish background have been taken in for questioning, after weapons were found in their apartment in Athens' Gyzi district.
According to a police announcement on Monday evening, the four are believed to be members of the armed guerrilla group DHKP-C
(Revolutionary People's Liberation Front-Party) operating in Turkey.
In an operation that began on Monday morning, the counter-terrorism squad found a Kalashnikov rifle and three clips, three hand guns, a silencer, two submachine guns (A Scorpion and a Mini Uzi 9mm Para), 6.35 kilos of gelignite, two hand grenades and quantities of ammunition that have now been sent to the police forensics laboratory for further examination.
Other evidence confiscated by authorities included three computers, maps of Athens, the northern Greek city of Alexandroupolis and of Turkey, berets with the DHKP-C emblem and photographs.
Police sources said the case is probably linked with the arms intercepted some months ago near the Greek island of Chios, while they were being transported in an inflatable speedboat. Also arrested at the time were another two members of the Turkish organisation.
They also linked Monday's arrest with that of a 44-year-old Turkish woman wanted in Turkey, who was taken into custody in Iraklio, Crete on Sunday.
The same sources revealed that Turkish authorities have issued a Red Notice for one of the individuals arrested in Athens on Monday.
According to a police announcement on Monday evening, the four are believed to be members of the armed guerrilla group DHKP-C
In an operation that began on Monday morning, the counter-terrorism squad found a Kalashnikov rifle and three clips, three hand guns, a silencer, two submachine guns (A Scorpion and a Mini Uzi 9mm Para), 6.35 kilos of gelignite, two hand grenades and quantities of ammunition that have now been sent to the police forensics laboratory for further examination.
Other evidence confiscated by authorities included three computers, maps of Athens, the northern Greek city of Alexandroupolis and of Turkey, berets with the DHKP-C emblem and photographs.
Police sources said the case is probably linked with the arms intercepted some months ago near the Greek island of Chios, while they were being transported in an inflatable speedboat. Also arrested at the time were another two members of the Turkish organisation.
They also linked Monday's arrest with that of a 44-year-old Turkish woman wanted in Turkey, who was taken into custody in Iraklio, Crete on Sunday.
The same sources revealed that Turkish authorities have issued a Red Notice for one of the individuals arrested in Athens on Monday.
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