ECHR rules against Greece for poor conditions in Greek prison
20:39 28/5/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Wednesday found that Greece had violated article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights that forbids inhumane and humiliating treatment in the case "Tsokas and others" filed against Greece. The court ordered Greek authorities to pay 133,300 euros
in compensation for moral damages to the inmates involved.
The case concerned conditions of detentions that the plaintiffs were subjected to in the Tripoli prison, where persons convicted or are awaiting trial for sexual offences are held.
Based on the case Tsokas and five other fellow detainees in the prison filed against Greek authorities, whereas the cells in the prison were designed to house 65 inmates, in January 2009 the number of inmates had risen to 177, in June 2012 to 185 and a few months later to 215.
According to their claims, there were only nine showers in the facility that were located in the yard and the only source of heating came from six oil stoves that did not all work at the same time. In summer there was neither air-condition nor ventilation in the cells, while the toilets were in poor repair and the quality of the food extremely low.
The case concerned conditions of detentions that the plaintiffs were subjected to in the Tripoli prison, where persons convicted or are awaiting trial for sexual offences are held.
Based on the case Tsokas and five other fellow detainees in the prison filed against Greek authorities, whereas the cells in the prison were designed to house 65 inmates, in January 2009 the number of inmates had risen to 177, in June 2012 to 185 and a few months later to 215.
According to their claims, there were only nine showers in the facility that were located in the yard and the only source of heating came from six oil stoves that did not all work at the same time. In summer there was neither air-condition nor ventilation in the cells, while the toilets were in poor repair and the quality of the food extremely low.
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