Government decided the political mobilization of PPC employees and the requisition of their services
21:22 5/7/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The government early on Saturday announced through its spokesperson Sophia Voultepsi, that it had decided the political mobilization of Public Power Corporation (PPC) employees and the requisition of their services.
Late on Friday night, the Athens
First Instance Court had ruled - following a motion by PPC on Thursday - that the strike of PPC employees' union GENOP was illegal, also finding part of its claims abusive.
Nevertheless, despite the court's ruling, GENOP decided to continue its strikes, having taken out of the electricity network a total of 14 energy producing units in the early hours of Saturday.
The government in the last few days had warned GENOP and PPC employees multiple times to refrain from strikes, threatening to resort to their political mobilization. "In a Democracy, the laws and court rulings must be respected by all and the public interest comes first", said Voultepsi on Saturday. She underlined, that the government had warned from the very first day of the PPC strikes, that it would safeguard public interest.
"Following the decision from the Greek Justice that the strike of PPC employees' union GENOP is illegal and abusive ordering their immediate cessation, and since the unions did not comply with the decision, the government decided the political mobilization of the employees and the requisition of their services", concluded Voultepsi.
The employees had launched strikes in reaction against the government's plan to spin-off PPC assets and clients, in the framework of the energy company's partial privatization.
Late on Friday night, the Athens
Nevertheless, despite the court's ruling, GENOP decided to continue its strikes, having taken out of the electricity network a total of 14 energy producing units in the early hours of Saturday.
The government in the last few days had warned GENOP and PPC employees multiple times to refrain from strikes, threatening to resort to their political mobilization. "In a Democracy, the laws and court rulings must be respected by all and the public interest comes first", said Voultepsi on Saturday. She underlined, that the government had warned from the very first day of the PPC strikes, that it would safeguard public interest.
"Following the decision from the Greek Justice that the strike of PPC employees' union GENOP is illegal and abusive ordering their immediate cessation, and since the unions did not comply with the decision, the government decided the political mobilization of the employees and the requisition of their services", concluded Voultepsi.
The employees had launched strikes in reaction against the government's plan to spin-off PPC assets and clients, in the framework of the energy company's partial privatization.
government, ppc, ppc, government, saturday, public, power, night, athens, thursday, network, energy, hours, times, democracy, greek, public, times, athens, democracy, energy, network, greek, night, hours, power, saturday, thursday
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