Greek post office issues collectible stamps edition on El Greco
18:25 10/9/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
Hellenic Post (ELTA) on Tuesday announced the issue of a collectible stamps edition to mark the 400th anniversary since the death of Domenicus Theotokopoulos, the master painter of the Spanish Renaissance that was also known as 'El Greco'.
The series and various associated products (first-day circulation envelopes etc) will be on sale at post office branches from Wednesday and depicts details from El Greco's painting "The Burial of Christ" - a painting acquired by the National Gallery in Athens.
All philatelic products will be sold by the central philatelic shop (Lykourgou 5 & Apellou, Athens) and post office branches while stocks last, except the first-day circulation envelopes, which will be withdrawn on September 9, 2015.
The series and various associated products (first-day circulation envelopes etc) will be on sale at post office branches from Wednesday and depicts details from El Greco's painting "The Burial of Christ" - a painting acquired by the National Gallery in Athens.
All philatelic products will be sold by the central philatelic shop (Lykourgou 5 & Apellou, Athens) and post office branches while stocks last, except the first-day circulation envelopes, which will be withdrawn on September 9, 2015.
el greco, greek, office, office, el greco, greek, hellenic, tuesday, issue, master, series, wednesday, athens, central, shop, athens, central, hellenic, issue, shop, master, series, tuesday, wednesday
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