MSN releases Greek beta version
14:39 9/9/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The beta version of the Greek-language MSN is available to the Greek public as of Monday (September 8) and accessible at, Microsoft said.
The Greek MSN
will go online in its final form early in October, along with another 56 versions that will go up simultaneously on a global basis, the company said during a press briefing on Monday. The new MSN, it said, was a global business milestone in the company's history that aims at a complete redesign in response to developments in mobile devices and cloud services.
According to the briefing, the Greek MSN will include news feeds from several agencies including ANA-MPA and will soon become available on Windows, Android and iOS devices.
"With nearly 425 million users in the three most popular platforms in over 55 countries globally, the new MSN presents a tremendous dynamic," Dimitra Letsa (photo), MSN executive producer in Greece said. "With content access for over 50% of the population through various applications, the new MSN will be available everywhere users are," she added.
Content will be divided into ten categories - News, Economy, Sports, Health and Exercise, Travel, Leisure, Well Being, Gastronomy, Car and Video - with feeds from over 1,000 mass media outlets globally. It will also include practical information such as budget management tools, shopping lists and so on, while users will be able to set their own preferences regardless of the device used. The Greek MSN will be managed by a four-member group.
The Greek MSN
According to the briefing, the Greek MSN will include news feeds from several agencies including ANA-MPA and will soon become available on Windows, Android and iOS devices.
"With nearly 425 million users in the three most popular platforms in over 55 countries globally, the new MSN presents a tremendous dynamic," Dimitra Letsa (photo), MSN executive producer in Greece said. "With content access for over 50% of the population through various applications, the new MSN will be available everywhere users are," she added.
Content will be divided into ten categories - News, Economy, Sports, Health and Exercise, Travel, Leisure, Well Being, Gastronomy, Car and Video - with feeds from over 1,000 mass media outlets globally. It will also include practical information such as budget management tools, shopping lists and so on, while users will be able to set their own preferences regardless of the device used. The Greek MSN will be managed by a four-member group.
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