PM Samaras to meet Chancellor Merkel next Tuesday in Berlin
14:16 18/9/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will have a working lunch in Berlin on Tuesday, September 23, it was announced on Wednesday.
The Secretariat General of Information and Communication announced that the meeting was finalized yesterday
following a communication between the two offices, noting that the meeting was decided by the two leaders when they met on the margins of the July 16 Summit.
Prime Minister Samaras and Chancellor Merkel had agreed to meet again in September to discuss the prospects of the Greek economy and the course of the Greek programme, the formal announcement added.
An announcement on the prime minister's visit to the German capital was made in today's scheduled press briefing in Berlin by deputy government spokesperson Christiane Wirtz. A federal government announcement that followed said that Samaras and Merkel will focus on the economic situation in Greece, on European policy issues and on current foreign policy issues.
The meeting will take place at 12:30 (local time) and will be followed by a press conference.
The Secretariat General of Information and Communication announced that the meeting was finalized yesterday
Prime Minister Samaras and Chancellor Merkel had agreed to meet again in September to discuss the prospects of the Greek economy and the course of the Greek programme, the formal announcement added.
An announcement on the prime minister's visit to the German capital was made in today's scheduled press briefing in Berlin by deputy government spokesperson Christiane Wirtz. A federal government announcement that followed said that Samaras and Merkel will focus on the economic situation in Greece, on European policy issues and on current foreign policy issues.
The meeting will take place at 12:30 (local time) and will be followed by a press conference.
μερκελ, tuesday, berlin, berlin, tuesday, working, wednesday, yesterday, greek, capital, press, government, focus, european, time, capital, focus, government, greek, press, wednesday, working, yesterday, european
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