Venizelos to participate in Ministerial Conference on Stability and Development in Libya
12:36 17/9/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos will be in Madrid, Spain, on Wednesday, September 17, to participate in the Ministerial Conference on Stability and Development in Libya and North Africa, at the invitation of Spanish Foreign
Minister José Manuel García-Margallo, according to a ministry's announcement.
The Conference on Stability and Development in Libya and North Africa is an initiative of the Spanish Foreign Ministry, aimed at reaffirming the support of the countries of the region for the Libyan people and the Libyan government, as well as for cooperation on the regional level in handing the political problems and security issues that have arisen since the situation in Libya started to deteriorate this past July.
The Conference will be attended by the countries of the Med 7 Group (France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal), countries bordering on Libya, and representatives of the European Union, the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Union for the Mediterranean.
The Conference on Stability and Development in Libya and North Africa is an initiative of the Spanish Foreign Ministry, aimed at reaffirming the support of the countries of the region for the Libyan people and the Libyan government, as well as for cooperation on the regional level in handing the political problems and security issues that have arisen since the situation in Libya started to deteriorate this past July.
The Conference will be attended by the countries of the Med 7 Group (France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal), countries bordering on Libya, and representatives of the European Union, the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Union for the Mediterranean.
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