Volos possible site for first crematorium in Greece
18:32 24/1/2014
- Πηγή: E-Typos
The first crematorium in Greece may possibly be built in the municipality of Volos, according to a discussion in parliament on Friday.
Main opposition SYRIZA's parliamentary group Nikos Voutsis tabled an urgent question charging that although there is a law unanimously voted by parliament,
a joint ministerial decision and a presidential decree allowing the building of crematoria, there are forces blocking their implementation. “The matter is primarily political. Although the crematorium units are of low disturbance, there are forces, obvious or not, which are not allowing even a single cremation centre in the Attica region,” he said, saying that the government is refusing to assist the process.
Responding, Alternate Interior Minister Leonidas Grigorakos admitted that there was a delay but said the final decision lay with local government authorities (OTA). “We have delayed the creation of cremation centres," he said. "Although they have been authorised in Greece since 2006, the presidential decree was issued three years later." He also noted that although many mayors have accepted proposals for building crematoria, "the decision is afterwards revoked by the municipal councils." The only exception, he said, was the city of Volos.
The minister also said that the ministry recognises the problem for thousands of families who are forced to send their loved ones to crematoria abroad and therefore will place the problem back on the table with mayors and promote the implementation of the presidential decree.
"Greek society and mayors are starting to become sensitised to the issue and the Interior ministry hopes will soon...exert efforts to see that the presidential decree is applied," Grigorakos said.
Vroutsis said the government’s response was a positive step and recognised the need for OTAs to decide, and expressed hope the process would continue. “I hope your statement (to help) is binding and that the decision for Volos is not revoked in a few months," he noted.
Main opposition SYRIZA's parliamentary group Nikos Voutsis tabled an urgent question charging that although there is a law unanimously voted by parliament,
Responding, Alternate Interior Minister Leonidas Grigorakos admitted that there was a delay but said the final decision lay with local government authorities (OTA). “We have delayed the creation of cremation centres," he said. "Although they have been authorised in Greece since 2006, the presidential decree was issued three years later." He also noted that although many mayors have accepted proposals for building crematoria, "the decision is afterwards revoked by the municipal councils." The only exception, he said, was the city of Volos.
The minister also said that the ministry recognises the problem for thousands of families who are forced to send their loved ones to crematoria abroad and therefore will place the problem back on the table with mayors and promote the implementation of the presidential decree.
"Greek society and mayors are starting to become sensitised to the issue and the Interior ministry hopes will soon...exert efforts to see that the presidential decree is applied," Grigorakos said.
Vroutsis said the government’s response was a positive step and recognised the need for OTAs to decide, and expressed hope the process would continue. “I hope your statement (to help) is binding and that the decision for Volos is not revoked in a few months," he noted.
volos, site, volos, site, parliament, group, nikos, law, joint, building, low, single, attica, government, leonidas, lay, ota, creation, city, greek, issue, hope, attica, group, building, city, creation, government, hope, joint, issue, law, lay, leonidas, low, nikos, parliament, single
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