Wages in Greece down by 1.35% on average in second quarter

14:46 26/9/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Wages in Greece continued falling in the second quarter of the year, with Greece being one the three EU member-states to record a decline in wages both in the first and the second quarter of 2014.

Wages in Greece (excluding seasonal correction) continue falling for the last four years (by an average 5.05 pct in 2011, 7.4 pct in 2012, 6.55 pct in 2013 and 1.35 pct
in the first half of 2014).

The biggest percentage increases in wages were recorded in Estonia (7.7 pct in the first quarter and 7.4 pct in the second quarter), Latvia (7.4 pct and 6.9 pct), Slovakia (3.5 pct and 6.1 pct), Romania (5.3 pct and 5.0 pct) and Hungary (3.1 pct and 4.9 pct). In Germany, wages grew by 1.3 pct in the first quarter and by 1.6 pct in the second.

In Greece, the wages index fell by 1.4 pct in the second quarter of 2014, compared with the corresponding period last year, after a 7.4 pct decline recorded in the 2013-2012 period. Seasonally-adjusted, the wages index fell by 1.0 pct in the second quarter, after a 9.1 pct decline recorded in the second quarter of 2013.
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