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16:22 27/3/2015
- Πηγή: Aixmi
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Thundercloud into the sky,Coach Outlet Online, they are two of the most massive, four-color thundercloud that is one of the Mu bones of the elderly, while another one is still rolling, because nature is just filling XiaoYan the aura of immortality, and the emergence tricolor Thundercloud changes …
look at numerous road that attention, tricolor thunderclouds roll is more and more intense, a S1, a ray of golden light, finally, at first glance, however now -! “appeared, the fourth color appeared”
extremely bright golden light, in that it just appeared Yi Sha, is perceived by many people, the moment shaking cheers resounded through the sky at this moment. Stone platform, to see this scene slightly heavy heart Mu old bone, Xiupao slightly clenched in fists.
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after those previous experiences, the presence of people on the sky for thunderclouds also have some understanding
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