Έχασε περίπου 20 κιλά κάνοντας πέντε μικρές αλλαγές- Πώς τα κατάφερε;

09:26 26/10/2016 - Πηγή: iPop

Όταν θες κάτι πολύ, το καταφέρνεις! Κάτι τέτοιο ισχύει και για την 37χρονη Kathryn Dickie, η οποία κατάφερε να χάσει περίπου 19-20 κιλά κάνοντας πέντε μικρές αλλαγές στην καθημερινότητά της.

Από το 2012 μάλιστα που ξεκίνησε την προσπάθειά της για να χάσει κιλά, έχει κερδίσει 130.000 followers στο Instagram.

Sorry for the delete and repost, forgot to add

a watermark, if I don't do this people steal my pictures and use them to sell diet pills, wraps and other crappy programs #transformationtuesday #kdtransform When I look at weightloss or fitness as a journey or lifestyle it implies there is no endpoint. So though I get frustrated with myself whenever I lose progress, (apparently not enough to actually stop doing it over and over again but anyway) the difference is that my tolerance for how much I will 'let myself go' is much lower than it used to be. As this is a never ending journey, I can't fail, as it hasn't finished yet! So I've been working hard to refocus with the help of my amazing #4wktofab gang (both on IG and Facebook) because the reward of feeling confident and comfortable in my body is well worth it. (Anyone can join our Facebook group, just girls supporting eachother to stick to their goals – link in my bio)

A photo posted by Kathryn (@kdinspiredlife) on Aug 22, 2016 at 1:48pm PDT

Μάλιστα η ίδια δηλώνει ότι ο λογαριασμός της στο Instagram την βοήθησε να τηρήσει το πρόγραμμα στο οποίο είχε μπει.

Ποιες είναι, όμως, οι 5 αλλαγές που την βοήθησαν να απαλλαγεί απ’ τα περιττά κιλά;Έκοψε την ζάχαρη στον καφέ. Η Kathryn εξηγεί ότι έπινε τον καφέ της με 5 κουταλιές ζάχαρη. Πλέον την έχει αντικαταστήσει με κάποιο υποκατάστατο.Προσέλαβε έναν perosnal trainer. Είναι ένας σίγουρος τρόπος για να μην βγαίνεις απ’ το πρόγραμμα των προπονήσεών σου.Κατέβασε ένα fitness app. Το fitness app την βοήθησε καθώς μετρούσε την καθημερινή της απόδοση και την κρατούσε σε εγρήγορση.Έβαζε προγράμματα 12 εβδομάδων όσον αφορά τη διατροφή και τη γυμναστική. Στο τέλος των 12 εβδομάδων εκτιμούσε τα αποτελέσματα.Παρακολουθούσε την κατανάλωση υδατανθράκων. Πρόσεχε να μην καταναλώνει πάνω από 100 γρ. την ημέρα.

Results on The 4 Phase Fat Elimination Protocol (info in link in my bio @kdinspiredlife) On the scale I have lost over 7kg (15lbs). I strongly encourage you to do your own research and decide what works for your health before doing a program like this. How I found the program: My sister @myinnerbrilliance did the protocol early last year. As well as losing a bunch of weight, which she has maintained, it really changed the way she ate and helped her discover what foods created inflammation (and weight gain) in her body. . ✋What is it: "developed around the principles of fat storage and fat metabolism. The Protocol uses your body's natural hormone known as hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and real food to isolate and rid the cells of toxic, stubborn fat and reset your system." . ✋How it works: you take homoeopathic drops that simulate HCG in your body, this hormone releases your abnormal fat stores, providing you with approximately 1500 to 4000 calories worth of energy each day.!!Because you are getting so much energy from your own fat you can only eat a very low calorie diet, of approximately 500 calories per day, consisting of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.. My experience so far: It's a four phase protocol and I am still in phase 2 (it is a personal choice how long you stay in phase 2 – up to 43 days) I have never felt hunger while taking the drops. It's quite surreal, I know I'm eating a lot less calories than normal but I always feel quite satisfied. In fact I'm eating more fruit and vegetables than I have been in a very long time. The only struggle I've had is when I felt bored with all this healthy food and want to stuff my face with junk food, but I know that's an emotional eating issue. You are encouraged not to do vigorous exercise while in phase 2 so I have just been doing yoga. It says it burns those fat stores that you can never seem to get rid of, like hip, stomach and thigh fat. So far that really does seem to be working. UPDATE: I did a Q&A with nutritionist Cyndi O'Meara about my experience and she answers a lot of questions! https://youtu.be/GvtEE4LBtUY #kdtransform

A photo posted by Kathryn (@kdinspiredlife) on Apr 9, 2016 at 11:30am PDT

The post Έχασε περίπου 20 κιλά κάνοντας πέντε μικρές αλλαγές- Πώς τα κατάφερε; appeared first on iPop.

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