Το ελληνικό TaxiBeat στις σελίδες του TechCrunch για ακόμη μία φορά
Το TechCrunch.com είναι η νούμερο ένα ιστοσελίδα ειδήσεων για startup εταιρείες παγκοσμίως. Το ελληνικό φαινόμενο TaxiBeat, επεκτάθηκε αυτή την εβδομάδα και στο Παρίσι και αυτός ήταν ένας καλό λόγος για να αναφερθεί ξανά στον δημοφιλή ιστότοπο.
Μπορεί στην Ελλάδα να γνωρίζουν σχεδόν όλοι πλέον το TaxiBeat, την εφαρμογή που σου βρίσκει εύκολα και γρήγορα taxi μέσω Android,
Η ημερομηνία δεν συνέπεσε τυχαία με το LeWeb, το συνέδριο τεχνολογίας που διεξάγετε στο Παρίσι, με ομιλητές όπως τους Eric Schmidt και Sean Parker. Διαβάστε στη συνέχεια όλο το άρθρο, όπως αυτό δημοσιεύτηκε στο TechCrunch σήμερα.
What is it about taxi startups launching in time for LeWeb? Then again, you can’t beat a captive audience. And so it is that Taxibeat, the hail-a-cab smartphone app and taxi driver marketplace, has launched in Paris this week, just in time to help ferry a bunch of geeks to the LeWeb conference and countless after-parties.
For Taxibeat it represents a fairly aggressive international roll-out strategy over the last four months. Having first launched in the startup’s native Athens, Greece, in May 2011, it’s recently expanded to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil; Oslo, Norway; and Bucharest, Romania. As of today, the company can add the City of Light to that list.
Taxibeat’s smartphone app, available on iOS and Android, enables users to locate nearby taxis, hail the driver of their choice and rate them once the ride is over. It’s targeting independent taxi drivers and taxi firms. Passengers using the free app get a much greater choice of taxi ride, right down to the individual driver, guided by user ratings and other information displayed, such as current distance and what amenities are available in the taxi — Wi-Fi anyone? So, if you want to pick the 5-star rated driver that has on-board WiFi and is pet friendly, Taxibeat lets you do just that.
For taxi drivers using the system, there are no setup fees or monthly subscriptions. Instead, Taxibeat charges a small commission on the business it brings, with no extra charge passed on to passengers.
However, what’s most disruptive (and interesting) about Taxibeat is the effect the company claims its marketplace is having on the quality of service that taxi drivers offer. Under the incumbent model of hailing a taxi from the street or being assigned one by a taxi firm, there is little incentive to compete individually on service. An open and efficient marketplace, where drivers are held accountable, changes that.
“Things get interesting when you consider the emergent behaviors we observe in our first cities. By turning taxi hailing into a marketplace, we’ve witnessed dramatic improvement in quality of service, resulting in satisfied passengers and proud taxi
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![TaxiBeat, TechCrunch,](https://images.inewsgr.com/233/to-elliniko-TaxiBeat-stis-selides-tou-TechCrunch-gia-akomi-mia-fora.jpg)
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