Athens urban transport organisation approves binding bids for automatic fare collection system
18:38 4/2/2014
- Πηγή: Matrix24
Having approved the technical specifications, OASA will now open the financial bids for evaluation. The three companies whose bids were approved at this phase were Intrasoft International-Intrakat, ATESE-METKA and Terna Energy-LG CNS.
The total budget of the project, expected to be delivered by stages over 2014-2015, is 94 million euros. The contractor will undertake the design,
The project will replace the current flat fare system by one where passengers are charged based on the distance travelled. The electronic tickets will also allow passengers to easily top up their cards or buy tickets at a large number of sales’ points, as well as to replace lost electronic tickets.
OASA will be able to reduce on the number of fare-dodgers, improve the public transportation planning and implement attractive cost policies.
This is the second Information Technology and Communication project in transport, after the selection of a contractor for the installation of a telematics system for the Athens trolley buses.
“These two projects are part of an integrated plan to create an exemplary public transport system than will improve the everyday life of passengers and upgrade the level of coordination and effectiveness of transportation,” OASA said in a statement.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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