Bosnia-Herzegovina FM visits Greece
The two ministers underlined that extensive ground exists for strengthening bilateral cooperation, that has a very good “20-year” basis, as Lagumdzija said, indicating the tourist, commercial and economic sector and the energy sector in particular.
“Bosnia-Herzegovina is interested in being part of the economic cooperation of the wider region and of course we shall have a mutual
Referring to the issue, the Greek foreign minister also observed, in light of his visit to Baku next week, that “the circle of interested countries is widening” and expressed the wish and desire for the “welcoming” of Bosnia to the group of countries directly involved in the project and underlined the value of the programme for Greece’s wider neighbourhood.
Avramopoulos noted the country’s assistance in the speedier rapprochement of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the EU, as well as Greek support for the latter’s course towards NATO, while Lagumdzija noted that the Greek presidency of the EU will coincide with the 100th anniversary of an explosion of divisions and conflicts in Europe, that began from Sarajevo and which anniversary will have during the EU Greek Presidency “a reversed direction, that is reconciliation”.
The two foreign ministers also signed a memorandum on the Greek provision of know-how on European issues, while the issue of bilateral cooperation was also examined in the morning during the meeting Lagumdzija held with President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias.
President Papoulias, welcoming the Bosnian minister, observed that “bilateral cooperation is good and can become much better”, while Lagumdzija thanked the Greek President for the support Greece provides for Bosnia at political and economic as well as European level.
Source: ΑΜΝΑ
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