Coalition gov’t partners to resume meeting on ERT Wed; reforms to go ahead, FinMin says
According to statements by Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras at the end of the meeting, with the decision taken earlier Monday evening by the Council of State “the abolition of ERT and its Board is ratified and the Finance minister and the competent minister are ordered to transmit a programme through a public
According to Stournaras, the major issue is “to proceed with the radical reforms which the government has dared to introduce and intends to continue.”
The ERT issue is expected to be resolved during a new meeting of the three poiltical leaders on Wednesday.
The joint ministerial decision by which the closure of ERT broadcaster was ordered until the creation of a new entity will be partially suspended by decision of Council of State president Constantine Menoudakos, issued Monday evening.
Menoudakos’s decision stresses that it orders the suspension of the implementation of the joint ministerial decision of 11.6.2013 regarding exclusively the part which anticipated that:
a. broadcasting of radio and television programmes and operation of ERT internet websites are stopped, and
b. ERT’s frequencies remain inactive.
Moreover, it orders taking the necessary organisational measures by Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras and deputy Minister to the prime minister Simos Kedikoglou, to allow the continued broadcasting of radio and television programmes and the operation of internet websites by a public radio and television agency for the period of time until the creation and operation of a new entity, that will serve the public interest, as anticipated by the controversial joint ministerial decision of 11.6.2013.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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