EOPYY doctors decide to extend strikes until Dec. 3
17:38 25/11/2013
- Πηγή: Matrix24
Medical staff at EOPYY – the unified healthcare branch of the main Greek social insurance funds, including IKA – announced the start of strike action on Monday against the prospect of losing their jobs
“There is no point in having a dialogue with the minister after his statement, which leads to the dissolution of public clinics,” doctors said in their announcement while promising to prevent the methodical attempt of the political leadership of the health ministry to dismantle public primary health care.
In addition to doctors, other staff at EOPYY have decided to hold a 48-hour strike on Tuesday and Wednesday and take part in a protest rally to be held outside the health ministry on Tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m.
The strike has the support of the National Medical Association, which said that the firing of EOPYY doctors will lead to greater hardship for millions insured with EOPYY and mean they are unable to have access to services they need, while many will be forced to discontinue treatment for their ailments, increasing the severity of the humanitarian crisis in the country.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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