Eurobank seeks full recapitalization from HFSF

Eurobank, in a statement issued after a board meeting, said that if Greek authorities finally decided not to approve a merger plan with National Bank, then Eurobank will present an integrated business plan aimed at attracting private and institutional capital

from Greece and abroad the soonest possible.

The statement said that the board meeting discussed current conditions in the market and results so-far to attracting private capital in cooperation with Barclays Bank plc and Deutsche Bank and noted that after assessing conditions approved a plan for the bank’s recapitalization with 5.8 billion euros from the Hellenic Financial Stabiilty Fund and to seek shareholders’ approval for the bank’s immediate and recapitalization. “This way, Eurobank will become, from next week, the first fully recapitalized systemic bank in Greece”.

The board statement said its goal was to safeguard the private character of Eurobank, strengthening its ability to support Greek households and enterprises, expanding its access in international markets and to financing the Greek economy as it tried to return to positive growth rates.

Source: ΑΜΝΑ

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